Laudato Si and the Sages

Five years ago, in advance of 5776, and following the September 2015 publication of Pope Francis’ encyclical on the environment, Laudato Si (addressed to all people in advance of the United Nations meeting and the Climate March) Rabbi Daniel Swartz prepared a...

Shareholders, stakeholders, and the Common Good

On July 10, several Pennsylvania religious leaders traveled to Washington DC to offer in-person testimony to the EPA regarding delay of implementation of New Source Performance Standards for Methane emissions from oil and gas operations.  EPA-HQ-OAR-2010-0505 I am Sr....

Diocesan Conference 2016: A Revolution of Tenderness

PA IPL will have a table at the Diocese of Scranton’s 2016 Congress, themed A Revolution of Tenderness.  (Rabbi Daniel Swartz will be one of the friendly faces behind the table), and the workshops include 3B – Laudato Si and the Call for a New Lifestyle...

In Care of our Common Home #AllAreCalled

[This post was published just before Pope Francis released Laudato Si (Praised Be: In Care of our Common Home), an encyclical addressed not to all Catholics, as is usual, but to all people.  Multi-faith resources emerged quickly and are linked from a later...