Watersheds and Their Protection

by | Dec 11, 2024 | Uncategorized

Video Available from Wandering Waters Seminar Series

December 10, 2024

Wandering Waters Seminar Series:
Join PA IPL for a series that invites you to wander through Pennsylvania’s watersheds – their problems, their people, and how we can protect them. We’ll hear from experts at each session including grassroots leaders and organizers, academics, riverkeepers, protection agencies, and congregations. Together, let’s get inspired to practice faith-based stewardship of the waters that flow through the Keystone state!

Watersheds and Their Protection:
In this session of our Wandering Waters seminar series, we hear from folks who hold responsibility to protect and regulate Pennsylvania’s waterways. A representative from the PA Department of Environmental Protection as well as the Environmental Protection Agency Region 3 join us on this call to share about the water work their offices are engaged in. We additionally hear from experts in water policy and conservation about some of the ways they are working on the ground and in the halls of power to enact positive change for our waterways.

Speakers for this session include:
Amani Reid, Office of Environmental Justice, PA Department of Environmental Protection
Nicole Lick, Environmental Protection Agency, Water Division
Michael Mehrazar, Advocacy Manager, PennFuture
Lindsey Walker, Senior Manager Education & Community Conservation, National Wildlife Federation

Thanks to our co-sponsors:

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