Washington, DC
Last week, our Shapers team was busy on the Hill in Washington DC! We attended 7 meetings and dropped by an additional 5 offices. That represents about 75% of Pennsylvania’s federal leadership! We were there with a unified message – climate solutions must center equity, justice, and peace. A few things we spoke about in our meetings include:
📣 The call of our various religious traditions to treat seriously the impacts and injustices of climate change
📣The importance of passing a Farm Bill that supports climate-smart agriculture, small farmers, and fully funds SNAP programs
📣The need for Members of Congress to safeguard recent power plant pollution standards from the EPA from being rolled back through use of the Congressional Review Act
📣The costs to people and planet from ongoing conflict and violence around the world
Climate just futures are futures where all peoples and planet flourish together. You can continue to take action with us this month by signing on to our petitions, checking out our action calendar, and moving with us all month long! 🚴🏽🚶🏼